Movie Reviewww

For this movie review I am going to talk about The Martian. It is about a team of astronauts that are in mars and a giant storm comes. All the astronauts accept Mark Whitney (Matt Damon) make it onto the ship and go back to space. Mark Whitney gets hit by a piece of shrapnel and gets knocked out. His team does not know he is alive so he has to figure out a way to make it back to his campsite and figure out a way to tell NASA that he is alive. Over the course of the movie he has to figure out how to create food, water and power. He also has to ration food and later get back to his crew members which are in space.  The movie was very good but if you don't have a lot of time do not watch it because it is 2 hours and 31 minutes long. Also if you don't like slow movies don't watch it. It is a very slow movie and you need a lot of patience. You also need to be careful because it drops the f-bomb mabye 3 times. If you like that type of movie and you have patience you would like this movie.


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