
Showing posts from January, 2018

Soundtrack of my Lifeeee

The Soundtrack of my life would consist of these songs  Bob the Builder theme song because that is my all time favorite show as a kid   Best Day of My Life because I want to live my life the best I can everyday You've got a friend in Me because I can always be a friend if you need                               Chanukah o Chanukah because that is my favorite Holiday and my favorite song from Chanukah Twinkle Twinkle because it was my favorite song  when I was a baby Those are the songs of the soundtrack of my life would contain.

Creative Writingggg

I remember the day like it was just yesterday. I was just patrolling the desert to see If there were any enemies in the distance. Nothing happened and I just kept looking in my binoculars but nothing happened. It was about 2 hours until the sentry named Johnny came walking to me to check up with me and report back to base. I said there was no movement or anything. He said ok and said I have to get back to base. I didn’t want him to leave because it’s pretty boring in the middle of the desert watching sand. I told him to stay for a little bit. He said yes but only for a little bit because than the commander would get nervous and send troops to look for us. He sat down next to me and we started talking about our personal life because I don’t really know Johnny. I found out he has a wife a baby girl and a german shepard. I told him about me and that I have a girlfriend and a golden retriever. After that we talked about the guys back at camp. He really hates Bob. After about half an ho


 One day I would like to climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower which is 1,710 steps and 180 flights of stairs.. To practice for this whenever I am on an escalator I should walk not just stand there. I could also walk up the stairs to get to my doctors office which is 13 flights of stairs. I can also walk when there is nice weather to get to places. I can also ride my bike to get my leg muscles stronger.

What Gifts do I want and to Givveee

This year there are some gifts that I want for Channukah.  A new phone. My phone is a 5c and a handy down so you can see why I want a new one. Rainbow Six Siege. It looks like a very fun fps ( first person shooter) and a lot of my friends have it. 10 lb Hershey bar. Who would not want a 10 lb bar of chocolate to get through a year of school. Google home. Its basically siri but you don't have to touch a button and you can play games with it. A new blanket. The blanket for my bed is not really warm and its not that soft  These are things I want to give My Grandma. I want to give her my Bar Mitzvah photos. My 2 baby cousins. I'm going to go shopping with my mom and get them toys. My little brother. I'm going to get him some Pokemon cards. I'm going to get my older brother a new hat because he loves them. My brothers and I are going to get my parents a gift card to go out to dinner. Those are the things I want and are going to give.

Movie Reviewww

For this movie review I am going to talk about The Martian. It is about a team of astronauts that are in mars and a giant storm comes. All the astronauts accept Mark Whitney (Matt Damon) make it onto the ship and go back to space. Mark Whitney gets hit by a piece of shrapnel and gets knocked out. His team does not know he is alive so he has to figure out a way to make it back to his campsite and figure out a way to tell NASA that he is alive. Over the course of the movie he has to figure out how to create food, water and power. He also has to ration food and later get back to his crew members which are in space.  The movie was very good but if you don't have a lot of time do not watch it because it is 2 hours and 31 minutes long. Also if you don't like slow movies don't watch it. It is a very slow movie and you need a lot of patience. You also need to be careful because it drops the f-bomb mabye 3 times. If you like that type of movie and you have patience you would like th

This New Yearrrrr

There are many things I want for the new year but one of them is to be more active. I'm more of a person who likes to be playing ps4 instead of going out. I want to change that and get better at some sports like soccer and basketball. I also want to eat more fruit this year.